SEO Package

It’s worth the price

A successful implementation of SEO depends upon various factors. The more efficiently these factors are considered, the better the results and of course, higher the charges. It is advised to think intensely before opting for a particular package. We also provide customization based on your requirements. In fact, our SEO analysts will suggest the required tweaks in the package that your project may demand.

SEO packages have been formulated depending upon various aspects on which Search Engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing work. The crucial concern is certainly refining web content in a way that your links are ranked as high as possible in search results.


SMO Packages $ 350-PM $ 450-PM $ 650-PM
Social Media Networking
Facebook Yes Yes Yes
Twitter Yes Yes Yes
Linkedin No Yes Yes
Myspace No Yes Yes
Product Feed in shopping sites (Google,Kaboodle) No No Yes
Social Bookmarking (Stumbleupon, Digg, Reddit,Delicious) 100 /Month 200 /Month 300 /Month
Discount Coupon Code No No Yes
Video Marketing
No of Video to be promoted 1 1 2
Youtube Yes Yes Yes
Metacafe Yes Yes Yes
Google Yes Yes Yes
Video Submission 10 20 30
Photo Optimization & Sharing
No of Photos optimised(Flickr,Photobuket) 10 20 30
Article/PR Submissions
Article Submissions (# of directories) 50
(2*25 /Month)
(3*25 /Month)
(4*25 /Month)
Press Release Submission (# of directories) 25
(1*25 /Month )
(2*25 Month)
4 /Month (20)
Blog Setup(Wordpress,Blogger) Yes Yes Yes
Blog Posting No 30 50
Set up of RSS Feed Submissions for visitor No 10 /Month 20 /Month
Directory Submission
Directories Submissions(1 way permanent links) 100 /Month 200 /Month 300 /Month
Google Product Search Feed (E-commerce only) 20 40 60
Search Engine Submission Yes Yes Yes
SMO Activity Reports
SMO Activity Report Monthly Monthly Monthly
Google Referring Sites Report Monthly Monthly Monthly
Minimum Contract Duration 3 Months 3 Months 3 Months